
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Characteristics of Wine Districts

Based on the soil-climatic conditions, as well as the characteristics of the production, one can distinguish several regions in Macedonia:
1. Pcinja - Osogovo region
2. Vardar Region
3. Pelagonia - Polog region

Pcinja - Osogovo region

Within the districts, there are locations which are absolutely suitable for wine production. The terrain is hilly, with gentle slopes. Soils are mostly dark, of pitchy, syrozem, and cinnamon type. Continental and mountain climates are predominant. Above is a table of the different climatic factors in this region. Most common sorts of wine grapes are: Italian Riesling, Sauvignon, Muscat otonelle, Zupljanka, Gamay, Burgundy Black, Prokupec and Merlot. Leading table grape is Muscat Hamburg. From this region come the well known wines with registered geographical origin: Muscat Otonel, Sauvignon and Gamay. Besides wine, this region is well known for the spirits that are produced here, characteristic for these part, like White and Yellow Rakija (Grape Brandy). 

Vardar Region
 Within the region there are localities and absolutely vineyard localities. The region has approximately 75% of all vineyards in Macedonia. The terrain is plane with hilly patches. Syrozem, cinnamon, pitchy and deluvial soils are predominant. The climate is Mediterranean and Continental. Above is a table of the different climatic factors in this region. Most common wine grapes are: Vranec, Merlot, Kavadarka, Cabernet Sauvignon, Smederevka, Riesling, Chardonnay, Zilavka, Temjanka and Rkatsiteli. The region is also famous for the high quality of it's table grapes: Cardinal, Ribier, Italia, Whinter White and Red Valandovo. This region has eleven wineries. The region is also famous for its spirits. Besides White and Yellow grape brandy, this region is also characterized by it's Mastica, a spirit unique to this region.

 Pelagonia - Polog region

These wine districts have localities that are absolutely vineyard terrain. The terrain is hilly, with deluvial, alluvial, cinnamon, syrozem, and black soils. The climate is predominantly continental, with some elements of mountain climate. . Above is a table of the different climatic factors in this region. Most common wine grapes are: Italian Rieasling, Riesling, Rkatsiteli, Zupljanka, Merlot, Burgundy Black, Gamay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Procupec. Muscat Hamburg is predominant kind of table grapes. Several wines with registered geographical origin are made: Ohridia, Cabernet, Merlot, Burgundy Black, and Riesling. As in the other two regions, a variety of spirits are made, most common of which are White and Yellow Rakija (Brandy).

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